BIBLE STUDY: Jonah, Part 1/6
Time: 111 Minutes (1 Hour, 51 Minutes WOW!)
Date: 2014-03-17
Logos Version: 6 (compatible with all versions of Logos)
Bonus: Receive the presenter's notes that can be converted to a Logos' searchable, Personal Book. *
****This personal book can be used as a workbook to take notes.
Week 1 - Overview
- Overviewing the Book
- How would you divide the book of Jonah?
- Who is the author of Jonah?
- When was Jonah written?
- When was Jonah written?
- When did the events of Jonah occur?
- Identify as many major themes/topics/ideas of Jonah?
- Identify at least three Key Places: (i.e. Nineveh)
- Identify at least three Key People: (i.e. Jonah)
- Identify at least three Key Events: (i.e. Whale swallowing Jonah)
- Background Study
- Theological Observations