How to Memorize Your Bible with LogosPersonal Book |
December 16, 2020 |
Rosemarie Linfoot from Waitara, Taranaki New Zealand
I am new to Logos, looking for ways to help me find areas where I can immediately be productive as well as becoming familiar with how Logos works.
I received an mp4 (1 hr 17min) plus Personal Book, very helpful. It is not a recent publication, but the methods are timeless.
A beginner wanting techniques to memorize verses and books will find it excellent.
Advanced users with a solid knowledge of Logos, will find ways on how to leverage this for memorizing Bible doctrine and languages.
"Section B. Strategies for Memorization" has 10 links which do not work. Logos Support provided three of them. They refer to other books. "Check to see if you "Own It" or want to "Buy It". There is a summary of the points these "Suggestions" cover.
Overall, this book has already been a great help to me. I learned how to set up a Personal Book, and memorizing techniques which I am using. The author has based this on years of experience. I certainly recommend it. 4 stars for the broken links.
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